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This week at the Wimberly Center: 3/15/21
Check out all the news, notes, and happenings at the Wimberly Center for the week of March 15th, 2021 Click the link below for our latest newsletter! https://conta.cc/3cv7433 *Please note the Third Thursday food distribution has been moved: 3/18: Third Thursday Food Distribution at Spirit of Sharing, Inc. & SOS Youth Action Team…

Winder FBC donates 250 meals+ recipe books and more to WHA
We want to give Winder FBC a HUGE thank you for 250 of the following: complete meals in a bag for a family, a recipe book using the items in the bag, and a list of local resources. These bags will be given to new Winder Housing Authority residents & participants in the Dream Connection Summer Enrichment…

WHA News: 3 big things for the week of June 7th
Hey friends! Below is 3 big things you need to know for the week of June 7th! Lawncare Schedule (please remove all objects and obstructions from your yard if your neighborhood is scheduled to be mowed) 6/7: Finish Lower Smith Heights 6/8: Hardigree Terrace 6/9: Hardigree Terrace 6/10: TBD (weather) The Winder Housing Authority is…

This week at the Wimberly Center: Week of 3/29
Spring Break Camp, Lawn Care Schedule, Food Distributions and more! https://conta.cc/3u4zWX2

This week at the Wimberly Center: Week of 4/12
Lawn Care Schedule, Section 8 Opening and more!

This week at the Wimberly Center: Week of April 5th
Lawn Care Schedule, Food Distributions and more!