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Resource Fair at the Wimberly Center
Join us on August 19th for the Barrow Strong Resource Fair. 11:00 AM- 2:00 PM

Events this Weekend (January 7th & 8th)
Located in the Banquet Hall at the Wimberly Center for Community Development

Notice to Tenants (Utility Allowance)
NOTICE TO TENANTS THAT A UTILITY ALLOWANCE DECREASE HAS BEEN CALCULATED AND SUBMITTED TO HUD FOR APPROVAL. September 1, 2023 Take note that a Utility Allowance (UA) decrease has been calculated based on the utility usage at Crescent Residential Properties of Winder, LLC, and a request to adjust the UA has been…

We are hiring!
Reception: https://www.indeed.com/job/receptionist-3d3e362337f90c44?_gl=1*1sbd79n*_gcl_au*MjA1MzcwMTc0NC4xNzEzOTA3ODY4 Maintenance Specialist: https://www.indeed.com/job/maintenance-specialist-0844779f0afc6a10?_gl=1*jos71t*_gcl_au*MjA1MzcwMTc0NC4xNzEzOTA3ODY4 Apartment Maintenance: https://www.indeed.com/job/apartment-maintenance-ca8c3a4ba701364f?_gl=1*63w38e*_gcl_au*MjA1MzcwMTc0NC4xNzEzOTA3ODY4

Dress for Success on February 25th at 4:00 PM
Introduction to Dress for Success will be held on Saturday February 25th at 4:00 PM Ages 12-18 years old The Banquet Hall at the Wimberly Center for Community Development Free Admission